admin: run sql select as device, n.dnorpattern,
cfd.cfadestination from device as d inner join devicenumplanmap as dmap
on dmap.fkdevice = d.pkid inner join numplan as n on
n.pkid=dmap.fknumplan inner join callforwarddynamic as cfd on
cfd.fknumplan=n.pkid where (cfd.cfadestination != '')
If you have an interest in seeing stations that are call forwarded to voicemail AND other destinations, then the following query can be used:
admin: run sql select as device, n.dnorpattern,
cfd.cfadestination from device as d inner join devicenumplanmap as dmap
on dmap.fkdevice = d.pkid inner join numplan as n on
n.pkid=dmap.fknumplan inner join callforwarddynamic as cfd on
cfd.fknumplan=n.pkid where ((cfd.cfadestination != '') or
If you are looking for a particular number like 17035551212 as the call forward destination, then the following could be used:
admin: run sql select as device, n.dnorpattern,
cfd.cfadestination from device as d inner join devicenumplanmap as dmap
on dmap.fkdevice = d.pkid inner join numplan as n on
n.pkid=dmap.fknumplan inner join callforwarddynamic as cfd on
cfd.fknumplan=n.pkid where (cfd.cfadestination = '917035551212')
NOTE: The above assumes that the off net access code of 9